TCV Green GymŪ is a scheme which inspires you to improve both your health and the environment at the same time. Experienced leaders guide you through a range of practical projects, giving you the opportunity to tackle physical jobs in the outdoors - improving your strength and stamina, boosting your practical skills and confidence and benefiting your local green spaces. Green Gyms are particularly suitable for those suffering from or recovering from long physical or mental illnesses, for the elderly or the unemployed.
Here in Bradley Stoke the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group hold a weekly Green Gym each Thursday from 10am to about 1pm. They are always accompanied by trained leaders and first aiders and include tea and biscuits. All Bradley Stoke Green Gyms meet in the security compound at the rear of the Leisure Centre. All you need to do is turn up. You will be warmly welcomed.
Green Gym contact details;
Green Gym website;
BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour item;
BBC web article;
Green Gym poster;
2011 Green Gym Programme.
2012 Green Gym Programme
2013 Green Gym Programme
2015 Green Gym Programme