u Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group

Privacy Information for Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group and Greengym

If you have opted to receive emailed news items about the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group or GreenGym, then we will hold your email address and name for this purpose. These details will not be shared with any 3rd parties, including other recipients of these emails.

If you are a member of our Conservation Group or GreenGym then you will have provided us with your contact details for direct contact about group matters. You will also have provided us with additional information such as emergency contact details and any medical information that you feel is relevant to our activities. This information will only be available to the membership secretary or the group leader assigned during any group activity. It will only be accessed if required.

Conservation group members will receive a request to confirm the wish to continue their membership shortly before the agm. All those that do not respond, or request to leave, will have their details removed from our records.

Please email secretary@three-brooks.info if you wish to:
  • Stop receiving news emails about the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group and/or GreenGym either permanently or temporarily
  • Request details of information we hold about you or correct/change/remove it
  • Request that you cease membership of the Conservation Group and/or Greengym and have all your details removed.

You can unsubscribe from the mailing lists using the following links:


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